The Girl From Kathua: A Sacrificial Victim of Ghazwa-E-Hind

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“Based on her path-breaking investigation into the murder of The Girl from Kathua backed by an astounding body of solid evidence, Madhu Purnima Kishwar lays bare the subversive agenda of Islamists…”

M Nageswara Rao, IPS (Retd), Former Interim-Director, CBI

The Girl from Kathua is a disturbing expose of the sinister agenda of de-Hinduizing Jammu after the 90s genocidal cleansing of the Kashmir Valley. It points to a frightening scenario that bodes ill for the country, unless the powers that be, wake up.”

Kapil Kapoor, Former Pro-Vice-Chancellor, JNU, Leading Scholar of Indian Knowledge Traditions

“Timely. Frankly factual. And much needed. The Girl from Kathua will not fail to stir upholders of Indic / Dharmik civilizational ethos rooted in the geography of the Indian Subcontinent, to cogitate and act. In light of Kishwar’s findings, such a reader will have a strong urge to take necessary measures for the protection and preservation of this most ancient of civilizations which is under relentless attack from all sides.”

Anita Rai, Counterterrorism Scholar, United Kingdom

“This book is based on a three-year rigorous investigation of the tragic murder of a little girl in J&K. It exposes how the murder was used to manufacture a fake outrage and highlights the vulnerable position of Hindus of Jammu province… deserves to be debated seriously.”

Rajiv Malhotra, Author, Founder-Infinity Foundation

“Based on her path-breaking investigation into the murder of The Girl from Kathua backed by an astounding body of solid evidence, Madhu Purnima Kishwar lays bare the subversive agenda of Islamists…”

M Nageswara Rao, IPS (Retd), Former Interim-Director, CBI

“This book provides an instructive case study of how the Islamic Doctrine of Taqiyya was used to unleash a fake narrative as part of conspiracy to speed up ethnic cleansing of Hindus from Jammu.”

Prof R Vaidyanathan, Former Professor, IIM-Bangalore

About the Book:

On January 10, 2018, a little girl allegedly disappeared in Kathua district of Jammu province. Even before her body was recovered a week later, a sinister narrative was launched alleging that the girl was abducted, gang raped and killed by ‘RSS-minded’ Hindus in a Hindu temple. Talib Hussain, a PDP-Hurriyat activist with criminal antecedents led the campaign, in which Patwari Sanji Ram was declared as the ‘mastermind’.

Mehbooba Mufti, the then CM of J&K, deftly used this opportunity to arbitrarily arrest hundreds of young Hindus of Kathua district. Amid unprecedented protests by the Bar Association, several BJP leaders as well as leading citizens of Jammu, cutting across party lines, begged the PMO for a CBI investigation. But the demand was snubbed, and the fake narrative was allowed to run amok.

Madhu Purnima Kishwar personally investigated the case over three years. With meticulously video-recorded interviews, extensive analysis of legal documents, financial transactions, and social media posts, she exposes how the Mufti government astutely used the mainstream media, foreign-funded NGOs and puppet academics to get the police and the judiciary to legally persecute innocent Hindus to further their subversive agenda of Land & Demographic Jihad in Jammu province.

Shockingly, leading journalists and ‘public intellectuals’ ignored even the post-mortem report, which does not support rage charge to globally vilify Jammu Hindus and the Modi government. This book effectively blasts the fake narrative and exposes the masterminds behind it.

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