Man in America interviews Dr. David Martin on November 23, 2022 in a staggering interview that forecasts what’s to come after millions have been jabbed with the COVID-19 vaccines. We present below a transcript of this interview published by Red Voice Media. The original video can be seen at
The emergence of the COVID-19 vaccines stirred up controversies around the world that vaccines are part of a depopulation plan that has persisted for decades. Amid a disturbing rise in the number of theories taking root in the US population, a new poll has found that nearly one in five people believe that the coronavirus pandemic is a “depopulation tactic”. Minister Louis Farrakhan said it would be a declaration of war on all of us if the government tried to physically force people to take the vaccine. Within days after he spoke, the U.S. government completely changed its strategy for getting the world to take the Covid-19 vaccination. It pivoted from threats to persuasion, using medical and health care professionals, politicians, educators and clergy members.
As powerful multinational corporations, subsidized by the U.S. government, move quickly to put needles and patches with microneedles in our arms, we have a crisis in our community that may be more of a threat to our survival than the virus itself: the aggressive campaign to persuade people to submit themselves to clinical trials and to the vaccine itself.
Dr. David Martin delves deeper into this crisis in the interview. Dr. Martin has a deep medical science and investment resume. Dr. Martin also runs a company (M·CAM International) that finances cutting edge innovation worldwide. He is also one of the key people seeking justice in lawsuits suing medical companies and the federal government involved in delivering the so-called vaccines for CV19. He is performing innovation in the medical world, especially mRNA and the CV-19 vaccines. Dr. Martin has done a lot of investigation on this whole tragedy and he says the vaccines are indeed bio weapons.
Seth Holehouse: A lot of you have already watched the film ‘Died Suddenly’. It has received over 5 million views in the past couple of days since it’s been released. And the reason why it’s such an important documentary is that it ties together a lot of the suspicions and information that all of us have been finding and asking the question whether the vaccine is bad. What’s it going to do to people? How’s it going to affect birth rates? What does this look like for the future of humanity? And this is where my mind went after watching the documentary: how is this going to change the course of humankind? Because if some of the figures and numbers I’m hearing out there are correct, even looking at birth rates, then what will our human race look like in a few decades? It’s significant.
The fabric of our society is going to change because of this bio weapon and there’s no way to look around the other way. There’s no other way to frame it. To look at this even further, I am having on Dr. David Martin, someone who has been following and tracking everything to do with the COVID pandemic. But also he has a very particular mind for analyzing numbers and information and extrapolating data to take a look at what is going to change in our world. We will have a really honest and open discussion about what’s going to happen in our world and how we can prepare for what’s coming.
A lot has transpired and one thing that I want to get into today is looking at the analysis of the Died Suddenly documentary. I want to give a big kudos to Peter and his team because the video is reaching 5 million views on rumble in a couple of days, which is incredible. But their ability to tie all that information together is remarkable. I think that people have been denying the real effects of the vaccine for a long time. It would be very hard for someone to watch that and to still come out and say you know what, it’s still safe and effective.
Dr. David Martin: Stew Peters has been a stalwart in this fight. The way in which he packages information, the way in which he is thoughtful and spends enough time and inquiry to help walk you into the reality that is transpiring around, is actually a unique gift. One of the things I get criticized for is I sometimes am a little too technical and a little too geeky and I love how Stew Peters can take the content that he’s covering and turn it into something that anybody can watch and consume. However, I think it is important to point out that what he’s doing is putting a very interesting time marker into our public consciousness. When the film came out, it became exceptionally important for a bunch of reasons.
I spoke about the fact that the estimated numbers of people who allegedly were going to be erased by virtue of the various vaccination programs using Bill Gates’ own estimates, and somehow or another we would get a roughly 10% population reduction in the world with the use of vaccines. The fact checkers have argued that what he really meant was that when people have a better standard of health & living, that there would be fewer births. That’s allegedly the argument that was made. But I just made a simple mathematical calculation at the time that statement was made, that talked about the eradication of 700 million people. And people obviously jumped on the number and said David Martin says there’s going to be 700 million people dead and the fact of the matter is, that is not what I said. What I said was their own estimate was a 10% reduction in the world population.
The tragedy is I think the numbers are higher and I think that wrapping your head around it needs pieces like Died Suddenly from Stew Peters’ work to help people understand that the rationale behind what I’m talking about is not theoretical. It’s actually something that was well documented going all the way back to Ralph Baric’s early work not in humans, but in rabbits. The very early work of Ralph Baric was to find a way to get Coronavirus target cardiomyopathy. So, that’s actually infecting and inflaming the heart tissue of rabbits, and that was when Coronavirus was largely a consideration only in pigs and dogs. It was actually a youth problem for pigs and dogs. It wasn’t a real human problem and it certainly wasn’t a rabbit heart problem. But across 10 years in the 1990s, Ralph Baric was doing work on how to make the spike proteins and other parts of the Coronavirus model something that would be much more damaging to heart tissue and to vascular tissue. We realized that this was something that was architected. 1998 is when Anthony Fauci found it and decided to run with it. So that’s 24 years of premeditated work on targeting the vascular system in the heart. And I think that if people pay attention to the fact that Anthony Fauci and Ralph Baric collaborated specifically on this gain of function research, then Stew’s film is a very interesting foreboding harbinger of things to come.
Seth Holehouse: Especially if you look at the way it’s changing birth rates, and that was alarming data. It is no longer a conspiracy theory that they’re talking about depopulating the world. The people that got the vaccine will die prematurely, that won’t live to their true life’s potential. And the other is the reduction in birth rates, whether it’s infertility in males, or miscarriages in women, or stillbirths. That’s the more frightening thing. Say you took out half of the world’s population today, if people can still reproduce, we can get back up to that. But if people lose the ability to reproduce healthy children, what will that do for the future of humanity? And that’s the big question here.
Dr. David Martin: That’s why I said the number is actually an underestimation. 10% of people dying prematurely is a 700 million person question. This actually is a naturally occurring phenomenon in Japan, where we observed that the social pressures on individuals in Japan led to a negative population growth rate that included premature and normal term deaths, but also just a decrease in the reproduction of the population. And it’s an existential crisis for Japan. In China, we saw the one child policy disproportionately lead to too many males, so much so that China was paying other countries to provide visas for males in China to be essentially exported, so they could actually be part of a reproductive program somewhere else. Because there was literally not enough female population to match the male population under the one child policy in China. And that has been and continues to be a significant public policy problem for China. But what we have now on a global scale, and Australia’s numbers are almost incredulous, are massive drop offs in the birth rate. 70% reduction in birth is the figure coming from official sources.
Australia had some of the most draconian lockdown measures that we’ve seen anywhere in the world. The government of Australia really went full tyrannical against its population with limitations on how far people can travel, with all sorts of restrictions on interstate travel and on even within your own town or your own village travel. So there is a practical reality that quite literally people were not getting together physically. And as a result we could ascribe some of that to lockdowns, but the rate at which it’s declining is not only because people weren’t finding each other. The challenge that we have in that data is that the dramatic nature of the decline is shocking.
If you look at the United States data in hospitals, we see these very bizarre new terms coming in. Stillbirths aren’t being called stillbirths, they’re being called a number of other things. But there’s a very large increase in near to full term pregnancies that are actually coming to a termination and they’re coming up with all kinds of new terminology associated with that. The increases in some cities and towns are going up by 23-24% on a quarterly basis, and that’s just mind boggling. And when you think about the combination of these effects, the death rates are coming off of the injections, and then the fertility and miscarriage problems are coming off of people exposed to the spike protein. The fact of the matter is, this is a much more catastrophic event than my heretical and apparently very disruptive comment was several months ago.
Coming to the documentary, I think the value of having this conversation and the value of showing people the pathology, is very high. I would certainly encourage people to think twice about the timing of when they watched the film. But when you see these clots being pulled out, you don’t unsee those things. When you see the vast majority of people who don’t have one or two, but multiple clots in a single person, it is no surprise at all that we’re dealing with a situation where a lot of people’s lives have been shortened catastrophically. As a society, we have a very interesting muscle that has atrophied for many, many generations, which is the muscle of understanding how to deal with mass grief. I’m not sure that we’re very good at that as a society. Because we’re going to have to encounter how to deal not only with mass grief, but grief coming from the loss of people who may have been very controversial, may have been very outspoken, and in certain instances may have said very terrible things about you. Can you genuinely get to a place of accessing empathy for those who’ve spoken ill of you? That’s going to be a question that a lot of us are going to have to face.
Seth Holehouse: I certainly agree with that. When was the last time that we had a true mass casualty event. We lost a couple 1000 people in the 9/11 time, and that turned the entire nation upside down. Because there’s a lot of agenda behind that and they wanted the entire nation to be turned upside down. It was a very disturbing psychological event for people that then paved the way for the Patriot Act and other things that came shortly following. You’re right, we haven’t really experienced this. Humanity’s never experienced something like this and certainly not at this scale.
Dr. David Martin: We can look at the cultural revolution in China, we can look at the Stalin era in Russia. And the truth is, no one will ever know the death counts that are truly there because there was no genuine reporting mechanism to ever understand the scale of those. There are people who put the scale of those deaths somewhere in the neighborhood of 40 to 50 million people in the Stalin era pogroms and the Chinese Cultural Revolution. But we’re talking about at least 10 times that number. And that’s without question. No one would dispute that the Second World War, the Cultural Revolution, and the Stalin era, as a combined death count, are 1/10 of what we’re talking about. So to say we don’t have the emotional or social memory or skill set to deal with the scale of this, is the understatement.
If you look at what’s become of Russia and China as a result of these things, the autocratic governments that have come into power, are on the back of mass exterminations. That’s how they gave rise to power. So this is not an accidental thing, where we have an event and then suddenly people come to their better senses. It actually goes the wrong way. And historically, that’s why I’m saying that the conversation needs to be had now, so that we start changing the inflection of previous experiences. Because in every single experience that’s happened before, what follows is more autocratic, more draconian, and more tyrannical than what came prior to it. And that’s a pretty ominous sign.
Seth Holehouse: Over 12 billion doses were delivered of the vaccine. The portion of the population that’s received at least one vaccine is well into the billions. Based on some of the research that you’ve done, how many of these people do you think will live past 5 or 10 years? What is the rate of death looking like from your perspective and your research?
Dr. David Martin: Well, you have to start cobbling together some interesting numbers. And anytime you do that, I caution people. One of the things you learn in statistics is every time you compound a thing that’s an estimate, you also compound the error that is in the estimate. It’s kind of an ominous warning to people who derive too much. But if we were to take for the sake of this argument, that we have roughly 3.5 to 4 billion people who have been injected. Of that population, certainly, it’s reasonable to say that we’re talking about somewhere in the neighborhood of 3 billion of the mRNA injections. And the reason why those are important and distinct, is that that’s what turns your body into what I refer to as the bio weapons factory. Why do I refer to it that way? Because legally, that’s what it is. When you actually create a thing that manufactures a known pathogen that is actually a biological weapon manufacturing and the fact that your body is doing it, means you’re a bio weapons factory. That’s just the nature of the beast. If you don’t like it, you have to go change the laws because that’s the law.
Now, the fact that we’ve turned 3 billion people into a bio weapons factory is without question, a fundamental existential problem with humanity. That means that we have mRNA and we have DNA modifications that are going to not only impact this generation, but it will impact generations to come. There is no question about that, whatsoever. And everybody who wants to hide behind the CDC is nonsense, that there’s no way that mRNA could write into DNA. You have to go back and you have to look at the 10 year National Science Foundation grant that gave rise to the company that we now know as Moderna. The entire existential reason for that company was to get mRNA to write to DNA, that’s why they built the company.
Anybody who wants to sit back and pretend like this is some sort of innocuous thing and it clears out and it doesn’t have any long effects, is absolutely ludicrous. And is denying the scientific evidence. If you follow the science, that gets you to what I just said. Now, if we start with the number 3 billion, and then we start looking at what were these problematic lots and batches, which is the way I’ve looked at this thing from the standpoint of the way I look at the world. Because I look at the world through the lens of risk management, risk transfer. Most people don’t know that my corporation is involved in risk management. We happen to do financial risk management, but we are very intimately involved in the broader sector of what we think of as actuarial sciences that give rise to insurance.
What I’ve been doing is looking at that number, and then looking at the number of lots that were associated with extremely high adverse events. There’s been a lot of conversation about the fact that there are certain batches that had high degrees of problematic adverse events and certain batches that seemed to have no effect at all. If you look at the number of problematic batches, you’re talking about seven to 15%, somewhere in that range, of all the batches are the ones that had extremely severe adverse events. In the best case, we’re talking about permanent death and disability to 300 million people. That is the best case. That is the entire population of the United States distributed across the world. That is the number we’re talking about. And that’s the best case.
Now, let’s put that into context. We’re at an age where we understand the challenges of aging parents and the amount of care that is required to deal with people who are suffering from long term effects of stroke, disability, or paralysis, or neurological degenerative problems, Alzheimer’s or other neuro neurologic disorders. What we know is that these 300 million people take out another 300 or more million people, because these are people who will not be able to be part of the contributing economy. They’re not going to be able to be doing the things that they have historically done, because they will be in fact involved in the near 24/7 care of the individuals who are actually in that other 300 million. So we’re talking about 600 million people incapacitated. And then we look at things like the CMS mandate, which as you know, I litigated in federal court in Utah, making the argument that it was an illegal Federal Trade Commission Act violation to call these things vaccinations, because they aren’t. They’re gene therapies. That’s how they were characterized by the FDA, and by the CDC, prior to April 20 of 2020.
The fact of the matter is, we are living in a world where we know that the caregivers who are the ones trained to deal with this, are among the ones who are most likely to suffer from the casualty effects. So now, we have another problem. I don’t know how often Seth, you’ve had the privilege of cleaning somebody’s bedpan or helping somebody get to a toilet when they’re disabled. I can tell you for all of the people who are out there sitting on their own, somebody else is going to have to do that. The answer is that somebody else is actually going to be you. That’s where I’m talking about this challenge that I think many of us are going to have to come head to head with, which is are you capable of caring for somebody who yelled at you to put your mask on? Who refused to let you come to a family reunion because you didn’t take the kill shot? Are you willing to love the person who actually made your life during the last two or three years, a living hell? And I’ll tell you, that’s gonna take some deep, deep introspection, some really massive amounts of grace and mercy. And I am not sure that most of us are prepared for what we’re going to have to face. So best case scenario, we’re talking about the incapacitation of 600 million people.
The worst case is 3 billion plus where we have the mRNA floating around. There’s a horrible idea called CRISPR, which is the gene editing technology that was initiated during the pandemic so that nobody paid attention to even a worse problem being introduced into the world. Many of us are not familiar with the palindromic repeated splicing of genes, which is where you take little segments of genes and you cut them in or cut them out of the genome. The problem with CRISPR has always been the idea that editing the genome is something that we can do. And all we’re going to do is target the thing that we’re going after. The problem is that DNA does not exist in nature. DNA is a model of a destructive process of taking apart chromosomes. And chromosomes which do exist in nature, are wound up versions of the molecules that we describe as DNA. But here’s the problem. Those molecules fold on each other. While biotech currently tells us that the only information that ever happens, is contained in the chemistry of the strands, there is an enormous amount of evidence that shows that chromosomes have an effect in their wound coiled structure. So I might take out a snippet here and there of a DNA strand and I might be able to take out a little bit of a gene expression here or there. In the living system, what happens in the folds of the DNA in the chromosomes, I have no idea what happens there.
Every time humans have decided to simplify a model of the complex nature of human life down to a two dimensional model, and then started messing with a two dimensional model, every single time this has ever happened in human history, with no exception, we wind up creating something far worse than the thing we were trying to solve. My concern is that we now have a world in which according to the FDA’s most recent standards, we are now going to allow RNA technology to be injected into livestock. We’re going to allow RNA technology to be injected into or introduced into other forms of the food supply.
Over 50% of the population has gastrointestinal problems because of our gene therapies in plants and crops. Through the combined effect of what we allowed to be introduced in this mRNA model during the COVID outbreak, at this point in time, three quarters of the world’s population is going to be directly impacted by the mRNA modified meats, foods and otherwise that we are going to actually have exposed to us. The likelihood that over the next three to five years, you can safely go to a fast food restaurant, or any restaurant in America, is near zero. You’ll be able to drive up to the Chick fil A and its 10 wide drive thru lanes will be all open, but the chicken you’re eating ain’t gonna be chicken. It’s gonna be Franken chicken. We have no idea what the implications of that are.
The Japanese at the turn of the last century knew that by introducing Bacillus thuringiensis into food, they can disrupt the GI systems of every person. And for the last 25 years, we have had a wholesale adoption of Bacillus thuringiensis in every single cereal grain and every single grain that we produced in America. So your corn, your cotton, your wheat, your soybeans, every single one of those that you thought was food, is an introduction of a known biological weapon that in the early 1900s, Japan realized was a biological weapon. That’s ubiquitous in our food supply, and now how many people have GI problems? How many people have irritable bowel syndrome? How many people have all kinds of problems with food allergies, and how many of those are directly caused by a known introduction of a biological weapon by a company called DuPont, Monsanto. Here’s the reason I’m making that association. We’re talking in this particular instance of something far more egregious than Bacillus thuringiensis.
Bacillus thuringiensis crops are dangerous. We know that they’re dangerous. What we’re talking about with the introduction of mRNA into the actual protein that we take into our bodies is far more egregious than anything that BT could have ever done. So where does that put us? That puts us in a population where 70 to 80% of the world’s population is now going to be exposed to genetically modified known pathogenicity. And that’s going to be what we’re looking at in the next five years.
Seth Holehouse: It’s a lot to take in. We look at the overall health and we’re even getting into chemicals in the skies, the poisoning of our water sources, radiation from 5G, there’s an infinite number of other things that can affect this. Let’s just fast forward to 50 years and the reason why I’m asking this particular question is because I want to then circle back to the question about preparing for what life is going to be like, in the next decade. Because we have to be extremely sober about what our future looks like. There are people that just want to bury their heads in the sand and don’t want to face these facts. Or they’re probably the ones that are on their third or fourth booster, because they don’t want to actually look at what the main narrative is, but people are not going to be prepared for this. So if we look forward 40 to 50 years, how do the actions that are unfolding right now affect the trajectory of our human population by then?
Dr. David Martin: In Charles Dickens’ Christmas carol there’s a beautiful moment where there’s the Ghost of Christmas Future that takes Scrooge to the grave site. And they have a very ominous moment where the ghost points to the gravestone and that’s Scrooge’s grave, and then the ghost shows him how miserable his life was. And how miserable in death, his memory will be. And there’s a very poignant moment in that story where Scrooge asks of the ghost, “are these the events that must be or are they the events that will happen if things remain unaltered?” And it’s a really beautiful question, right? It’s the question that I think many of us should ask every day. Is this the way it has to be? Or is this what happens if I do nothing? So, let’s see the ‘Do Nothing’ scenario. As you know, in my most recent film, American Revolution, one of the points that I make is that by 2035-2037, the Social Security Administration runs out of money. And by running out of money, I mean, goes to zero.
Now, the fact of the matter is that the film was shot in 2016, prior to the four years before Fed interventions, which took the interest rates down even further, which ultimately leads to that date being closer to 2028. So somewhere between, let’s say, 2028-2035, social Security as we know it ceases to exist. That means everybody over the age of 65, at that point in time, has no ability to have a safety net. And that does not just mean you don’t get your Social Security pension. That means you don’t get Medicare and Medicaid, which means you have no way to access health care. That’s a pretty ominous thing. We have that within five years.
So within five years, we have the over 65 population that either is going to be dead, or they are going to be in a condition where their ability to maintain a quality of life is going to be severely compromised. Let’s put a number on that, by then it’ll be 86 million people. 86 million people will not have the resources they need to actually maintain their life. And if 86 million people don’t have those resources, then those people are going to have a number of catastrophic events. And those are going to be all sorts of things. We know that it’s coming. This is not theoretical. There’s zero probability in what I’m saying. There’s 100% certainty in what I’m saying. And that’s a weird thing to be able to say. It’s very rare, but sometimes you can actually look into the future and go, “there’s a cliff. If I keep accelerating for that cliff, there’s a point in time where I’m gonna hit the edge of the cliff and I’m gonna go over.” That’s what happens if no intervention is done. And that means that we have in the first instance, a very large casualty among our aging population. But we also have something happening at the same time.
As you know, generational wealth transfer is a very interesting problem here in America. It’s a problem in a lot of places around the world, but it’s a really big problem here in America. If you’re a government that is illiquid, which our government is, and you suddenly need to manifest an enormous amount of resources, wouldn’t it be fascinating to be able to do something very cunning and having an enormously high death rate among the over 65 population? And simultaneously change estate laws and tax laws, so that you do what? You basically confiscate the country. Now, I don’t think that’s a theoretical low probability. I think that’s a mid range probability that we have a world in which the government significantly changes estate and inheritance laws and taxes so that it becomes extremely hard for working class Americans to actually do wealth transfer in this country. And I think that that is a high probability, not a mid or low probability. I would like people to watch how many introductions of changes to inheritance tax are going to be introduced, and I can guarantee you they’re going to be on the docket. So pay attention because you heard it here before it was news, and I can guarantee you it’s going to be news.
If we go down the road and we start looking at these numbers and the things that Stew talked about in ‘Died Suddenly’, and what I’ve talked about in the American Revolution, we find that the financial resources required to recover what we’ve lost do not exist here in this country. Virtually all of the wealth of America is now in British domicile bank accounts, which means we do not have an ability to nationalize assets the way other countries in other situations like this have nationalized. Because they’re literally not here. In Venezuela or Brazil or Argentina or Uruguay, the state is going to take everything. Bad news is the state can’t take everything here because most of our assets aren’t here. You can’t nationalize this country, which means the only way you can nationalize anything is to take property rights from people. That’s the only way to do it. And what that does in this country is a very sobering reality because I think that what could very easily come out of the next five to 10 years is left to their own devices.
A government could turn against the people and the people could turn against the government. The fact of the matter is, our history shows us that in times like this conflict has historically been where we’ve turned. Being very precise about what I’m saying, this is not an advocacy for anything. This is an advocacy for thoughtful dialogue that says, left to our own devices. Our record sucks. The only way to change that is to actually acknowledge that there’s a problem and that our historical behaviors around those problems haven’t been good. We need to have a different conversation now. Because if we wait for the event horizon to emerge, then we’re going to add armed conflict in this country, and to the already existing death and destruction we have from the biological weapons that we have circulating in people’s blood streams right now. We can go back and look at the Civil War, and at what the effects were with other internal conflicts. We have this wildcard of violence. When people see themselves as hopeless, and see themselves as living in a system that does not care for them, then the result that includes turning to violence is all too often the reflex that people turn to. I think that is the ultimate wildcard when you ask the question of 2050. Because punctuated by an armed conflict, we can see a diminution of this country that is actually something we’ve not seen and contemplated ever before. I do think that the risk is very high and I think the risk is high for a bunch of reasons, but I’ll tell you where it is, for me the highest.
There’s no question that the judiciary in the United States has decided to abandon the public. And I don’t mean that lightly. Courts in this country have decided that they are going to be merely the arbiters of the dogma of the establishment narrative. I did a show on the lawsuit being brought against Eric Nepute in Missouri. What’s fascinating about that case, is that the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission in their announcement in April of 2021 of the case, actually violated the law that they are charging Eric with in their own press release. They violated their own law that they’re prosecuting a citizen.
We’re talking about Schmidt in Missouri, who allegedly is one of the good guys. Schmidt refuses to actually prosecute the fact that he has a citizen in his state that is currently being threatened and prosecuted by the Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Justice for doing a crime that they committed themselves in the announcement of the case they filed against him. Now, when I say the judiciary is silent, I mean that we don’t have people in Missouri who are saying, “enough. We will not allow the judiciary to be used as an armed component of the social resistance that is destroying this country.” And nobody’s doing anything. I find that to be appalling. I find that to be the kind of thing that gives rise to ultimately, the futility that often results in conflict.
Seth Holehouse: We’ve seen statistics on this that since the pandemic started the number of new gun owners that are liberal leaning and voting left, has been skyrocketing. They’re arming themselves for the very first time. Let’s just say that CNN covered ‘Died Suddenly’ hypothetically, and they’re saying, “Wow, look at the birth rates, look at the death rates. The government was lying to you the whole time.” For me, I would just say, “Yeah, I know.” I’ve spent years building a foundation of knowledge to understand where we’re at in history. So that would make sense to me. But there are a large portion of this population, and especially the people that are on their second, third, fourth booster that would see that and they would not know how to react to that. And that’s actually what worries me more than anything.
Dr. David Martin: I want to reinforce exactly what you’re saying. Ironically, the mainstream media says that the threat of violence comes from somehow the armed. Go back to Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana and tell me who was shooting at fire trucks and who was shooting at first responders. By the way, it wasn’t a bunch of American flags or cowboy hats or boots wearing Texans. It was the Democratic Party’s Black Lives Matters crowd that was actually shooting at first responders and you are pointing to something which is so important that we highlight. Because the violent reaction is going to be coming from the people who think they were duped.
Seth Holehouse: This is where my mind goes because I extrapolate this information. What’s life going to be like in five years? And I need to start taking action now to make sure that I can protect my family in five years. But when I look at these types of scenarios, even looking at the numbers of deaths, some of the statistics I’m already seeing right now are pointing towards upwards of 25 million that have already died from the vaccine. So the question that I have is what does that look like for our society? Does that mean that you can still go to the grocery store as normal? Can you still place an order on Amazon? Does the city still have a semblance of order? You mentioned the ability to deal with massive grief, which I absolutely agree with. Are we going to see bodies just wandering the streets because the funeral homes can’t keep up. Is that what this is gonna look like? I don’t want to be dire in this, but I’m trying to just look at all the data and information that’s in front of me. It is most likely what the future could look like. And how do we prepare for that?
Dr. David Martin: I love the nature of this conversation, because one could sit there and say, “well, is this fear mongering?” And the fact of the matter is, No, I haven’t changed my conversation since the beginning. I said, at the very beginning of this whole pandemic, that this was a racketeering crime. Okay, so let’s take another racketeering crime. In the 1920s, when a huge amount of racketeering public awareness was built, it was built around the mafia. Now it turns out that the graph behind was the 1913 graph that actually gave rise to most of our racketeering statutes. And that was JP Morgan, the lovely white collar criminal that throughout the early 1900s was in control of this country. What’s fascinating about this is that in the early days of the pandemic, I said this was a racketeering crime. Now, let’s just play the tape forward.
If we look at what happened in the 1920s, what happened was we had armed conflict in the streets. Courtesy of Eliot Ness, we all know that it was just the thugs and the Al Capones and the other mobsters and gangsters that were doing drive-by shootings. But it wasn’t just that. It turns out that enormous amount of industry was hijacked by things called unions. And those unions became militant. I certainly remember when teamsters would shoot the truckers. And these are armed conflicts that were triggered by what was allegedly labor rights movements and all sorts of other things, but they were thugs. These were people who actually decided that ideology was more important than human life. Racketeering always puts an ideology above human life, you are the cost of the process getting done when you die inside of a racketeering case. And that’s been the case all along. You go back and you look at Morgan and you look at his mining conflicts and you look at the history of the Pinkertons and you look at the mining conflicts of the last century, in the 1800s, beginning of the 1900s. Look at all of those cases, in every single one of them, the loss of human life was justified for the greater good. And what we have right now is exactly the same argument being made.
If a pharmaceutical company doesn’t like the results, it’s their problem, not ours. The 1986 Act says that they are responsible to make sure the result is accurate. So if it’s not accurate, it’s their fault, not ours for using it. Whether we’re talking about any of the other reporting systems, every single death and disability has been chalked up as part of the greater good. There is no greater good when you stop caring about humanity. And there is no caring about humanity that is going to be something that survives a process where we see this kind of mass loss of life and quality of life. It just is not going to happen. Right after Stew’s movie came out in the context of my movie being shown around the country, these are conversations which prove that we have one massive advantage that previous generations didn’t have. And the advantage we have is foresight.
We’re talking about something we can do. Far from being a horrible, depressing black pill conversation, this is the ultimate conversation to be having right now. We need to be placing into the public conversation, issues that we as a public will have to face. And we can do the individual preparation, as you alluded to, which is to make sure you’ve provided for your family, which is a fabulous idea. Kim and I are deeply committed to doing that for not only our family but for our greater ecosystem. We’re trying to think about ways in which we not only take care of ourselves, but we’re also trying to convene conversations where as a public we raise our consciousness to the fact that we are going to have to be the agents of mercy to people who showed us none. And if you haven’t prepared for it, you won’t be able to do it.
Seth Holehouse: That is the important point. What are we doing here as humans? Do we have a soul? Is there a god? They say there’s no atheists in a foxhole. When you see death all around you, do you still deny that there’s God? I feel like what we’re witnessing right now in history in so many ways is the separation of the wheat from the chaff. Seeing the polarization of good and evil become so distinct that there’s no middle ground anymore. So that when we enter into this kind of a future, there’s gonna be a lot of people that will become saints. There are gonna be a lot of people that will become demons, and there’s not going to be a middle ground. The best thing that we can do is to say, how can I start really gearing myself up to become a saint in this time, because that’s what’s needed.
Dr. David Martin: We’re having this conversation on the eve of thanksgiving and I love the improbability of that. Remember that when Lincoln introduced Thanksgiving, he did it in a war torn country. He did it in a world where all you saw was blood and death and destruction. That’s all you saw. But Lincoln was wise enough to recognize that we needed to institute something in this country to remind us that no matter how desperate and dire the situation became, the overwhelming grace and merciful and bountiful providence that surrounds us is so overwhelming and compelling that no amount of darkness can even put an eclipse on it. The fact that we instituted this concept of thanksgiving as a country and the fact that we decided to do it when we did, is so important. This Thanksgiving, we have the ability like we do every single day to reflect on the abundant goodness that is showered upon us. Against the backdrop of that, darkness doesn’t have a chance. Now, it does when we decide to give a quarter. When we decide to open ourselves up to being despondent, then we’re the ones that are the problem. But the minute we actually replace that sense of futility with a sense of gratitude, we’re back in the game.
We have what previous generations never had, we have the opportunity to sit in advance of the coming storm and be prepared. And this is no different from Noah and the ark. It’s no different from any of the ancient stories of equal cataclysms. The fact of the matter is we have a chance to stand against this storm and we have a chance to get ready for it. And like Joseph in Egypt, right, we have the fat years right now, because the skinny years are coming. And that’s okay, because we can be prepared. In that preparation, we can actually start building the human characters that are going to make us more the saint than the demon to which you referred.
Seth Holehouse: It’s amazing that this is on the eve of Thanksgiving. I’ve studied a lot of what happens during catastrophe, especially looking into what happens during an EMP, which is one of the most catastrophic things that can happen to a nation. And in reading a lot of the experts talk about this and seeing their perspective of it, it brings people closer together. That’s the important thing right now, is that we have to stay together. One of the things that we’re doing to prepare ourselves mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, is to bring our families as close as we can. For people that understand what’s happening, even if your failing rejects you, still bring them close. Because they can only reject the truth for so long before it’s staring them right in the face and that’s when they’re going to need us. Everyone that watched Died Suddenly, everyone around us that’s mocking us, and laughing and looking down on us and kicking us out of the family gatherings are going to need us now more than we ever thought possible.
God chose us for this. I don’t want to live in any other time in history but right now because I feel like I was chosen to be here right now to be doing exactly what I’m doing, because there will be a great need in the future for people that can be calm and compassionate. We have to set aside our own ego and be there for people. I have a lot of hope in humanity though. Right now we don’t really know true suffering. When you see an animal suffering or you see a child suffering,.if you’re a decent person, something changes inside of your heart. When they see the real suffering unfolding around them, a different part emerges, and I think it’s gonna be the better part.
Dr. David Martin: I think it’s the most enlightening and exciting time to be alive. Kim and I recall how, much prior to this, we had a number of acquaintances. But since all of the craziness of the past three years, we have innumerable friends. The quality of our interactions is as you said earlier, the separation of the wheat and the chaff. The good news is we don’t spend any time guessing. It becomes very evident, very fast. We’re going to have a bunch of people, courtesy of COVID, who are part of our life and our Thanksgiving is going to be one that is very beautiful. For everyone listening to this, I know that the ability we all have to decide what this narrative looks like going forward is entirely dependent on our ability to participate as agents of mercy and grace in a time where we have received precious little of it. That’s why we’re here.
Seth Holehouse: Tell us what you’re working on.
Dr. David Martin: Well, the big thing that we’re working on right now is actually part of this conversation. We have the 12 senses workshop that we’re going to be doing in Boulder, Colorado. That workshop is actually something that was born of the work that Kim and I have been doing for the last several years. That workshop is to rewire all 12 cranial nerves to get all 12 of your senses back online. And one of the things that most people don’t understand is the value of doing these exercises to make sure that we have all of our capabilities firing. That’s mission critical. Because we’ve been trained over the last 8000 years to have access to what we call five senses. But the fact of the matter is our brains were wired with 12. We’re going to be doing a workshop to bring people back into the active use of all 12 intelligences. When you feel all of your brain turned on, it’s actually an amazing experience. And through a four day workshop, we’re going to be taking people on a journey to reactivate the entire capacity of their brain.
We do that using a series of things that you can do at home. We do not mediate it. This is not using chemistry or anything else, this is actually using the body that you were born into, at its full potential. The reason why we’re doing it is because if we’re going to have a conversation about the future of humanity, we need to actually have a good picture of what humanity unconstrained is. That means getting people to be using all of their brain, all of their mind, all of their heart, all of their senses. When you feel the creative genius that you are, you never go back. Like you said about people uncovering those beautiful traits of kindness and mercy, and all of the things that come when we’re confronted with challenges. It turns out that when you are fully human, when you have all of your senses active, when you have all of your acuity to its highest level, you’re actually a good person. That’s when you are not living under the narrative that something’s wrong, something’s broken, you’re incapable, you’re inadequate. We are unleashing a whole raft of goodness and that’s what we’re going to be doing in January.
It’s not for the faint hearted because we actually do things to quite literally rewire nerves that haven’t fired potentially at all in our adult life. So it’s an intrusive, fun, playful experience. And that’s our next big thing. We’re looking forward to it. I have developed the whole curriculum around 12 senses, around my own lived experience and because of it, I just share it with other people and it’s a beautiful fun time. The good news is you might not get them all but if you get twice the number of senses and intelligence as you had when you came in, you’re still better off. Shoot for all 12. If you get five or six more, you’re great.
Seth Holehouse: This conversation really set the stage and the foundation for how we should act ahead.