The All-Out Subversive War against Bharat

Rajesh Singh Live with Madhu Kishwar

Rajesh Singh is a Filmmaker, Writer, Journalist, and Actor. He is a free thinker and an ultra liberal, yet a staunch Hindutva proponent. On his blog 'KhullamKhulla Live", he actively raises his voice against the violence and oppression that's threatening the Hindu Community, and exposes the agenda of the Government and Politicians.

The Hindu masses are constantly under the threat of riots and violence led by Jihadis and backed by Congress, AAP, Commies, Secularists, the Church, Pakistani bots, ISI Sleeper Cells, and Presstitutes. Their sole aim is to spread fake narratives, victimise themselves and undermine the power and authority of the Hindus, and the law and order machinery. From burning midnight oil, organising night marches, to using Social Media platforms for spreading fear and hatred, the Jihadis are working day and night with unprecedented messianic zeal and supreme co-ordination.

The so-called Politicians are busy coordinating with their activists in AMU, JNU, and Jamia, and supporting their propaganda. # SCSTAgainstCAA is being trended by mostly Pakistani and Jihadi bots with fake Dalit names. The Indian Union Muslim League circulated fake videos of the desecration of a mosque inside Jamia Milia to further fuel the fire. All this, and the RSS, ABVP, BJP, VHP are silent. They don't even care that Hindu masses are worried. Modi Sarkar does not even have the wisdom to declare sine die at the three universities. They can only deal contemptuously with Hindu students and their peaceful protests.

Article By Rajesh Singh:…


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About Manushi

Manushi Trust was instituted in 1979 to provide the legal and organizational base for publishing Manushi – A Journal about Women & Society which was founded in 1978. Apart from publishing the journal ( whose print edition was discontinued in 2008 when we faced murderous attacks and endless harassment due to our work for street vendors), Manushi Trust has been involved in a whole range of activist interventions.

(For a Brief Glimpse of Manushi's engagements over the last four decades, click here

From its very inception, Manushi founder & Managing Trustee, Madhu Kishwar took a policy decision not to accept foreign funding or government grants in order to retain the independence and autonomy of the organization.

Aims & Objectives: MANUSHI has endeavoured to contribute towards finding effective solutions for the economic, political, social and civilizational challenges confronting India today through patient study, a non-partisan approach, live interaction with the people concerned, and culturally sensitive, informed activism. MANUSHI seeks out practical and creative ideas to meet the challenges of our times and avoids falling into the trap of deadening ideologies.

MANUSHI is neither Left-Wing Nor Right-Wing. We are Truth Wingers.

Manushi Upholds

  • Social Harmony, Not Social Fragmentation;
  • Religious Freedom, Not Religious Tyranny;
  • Equity, Not Special Rights;
  • Legitimate Concerns of All, Illegitimate Demands of None;
  • Cultural Freedom, Not Cultural Slavery to Alien Norms;
  • Community Bonding, Not Narcissistic Individualism;
  • Citizenship Rights, Not Communal Tyranny in the Name of Minority Rights;
  • Our Right to Historical Truth, Not Fake Narratives to Protect Enemies of Bharat;
  • The right to reclaim the vandalized heritage of Bharatvarsh & assert its civilizational integrity in all domains: social, political, educational, cultural, and dharmic.

Manushi Trust also publishes books, makes documentary films and undertakes a whole range of activities, including legal aid and PIL work, through the modest resources generated by the sales and subscriptions of our publications.

Manushi Founder, Madhu Kishwar describes her work as "labour of love" and has ensured that her lifelong commitment to Resurgent Bharat is one of giving, not of taking. She has never accepted any monetary fee on account of her work for Manushi. Instead, she has continuously sustained Manushi from her own earnings as a professor and writer.

Manushi has managed to stay alive on a shoe-string budget for over four decades on the strength of dedicated volunteers that came from different parts of India as well as abroad. Though we have a small team of paid staff, we welcome volunteers and interns.


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